A Haverfordwest man has been ordered to pay £1,000 compensation to his victim after subjecting her to a prolonged and brutal attack as she held her child in her arms.

The attack took place at an undisclosed property in Milford Haven after Darryan Bolstridge-Edwards, 28, gained entry and walked into the woman's bedroom.

"The victim was woken at 2am by the defendant and she was understandably shocked as she thought the doors were locked," Crown Prosecutor Ben Williams told Haverfordwest magistrates earlier this week.

"Darryan Bolstride-Edwards then began accusing her of infidelity and that she'd been having contact with other men."

Mr Williams went on to say that the woman hid her phone beneath her pillow as she feared Bolstridge-Edwards would damage it.

"He pulled the bed cover off her, raised his hand and slapped her with his open palm.  She turned around and he punched her to the back of her head and pushed her to the floor."

As the woman attempted to rise, the defendant once again pushed her to the floor and punched her to the right side of her face. At this point, she heard him smashing up her phone.

"By now she was screaming for someone to ring 999 in the hope that a neighbour would hear her and ring the police on her behalf," continued Ben Williams.

"She went downstairs, holding her child, and tried to leave for her safety, but the doors was locked and the defendant had the key. 

"He then proceeded to punch her to her stomach, causing her to be winded. She was now pleading with anyone to come and help her as she was locked inside the house. 

"Once again the defendant punched her to the head as she tried to shout through the letterbox for someone to come and help her."

Eventually Bolstridge-Edwards threw the keys at the victim enabling her to escape with her child. 

She ran to her car which was parked outside, however the defendant kicked the right wing mirror, causing it to crash to the floor.

Bolstridge-Edwards eventually returned to the house and the victim and her child were able to drive off to safety.

The defendant, of Brickhurst Close, Johnston, pleaded guilty to the charge of assault by beating and an additional charge of causing criminal damage to a baby gate, a phone, a television and the wing mirror of the victim's car.

He was legally unrepresented in court however probation officer Marc Brosnan told magistrates that Bolstridge-Edwards has an underlying problem with alcohol.

"All his offences are related to alcohol however our main concern is that the little child was in her arms at the time," said Mr Brosnan.

"But he has genuine remorse and is hoping to address his alcohol issue.  He and alcohol will have to part company."

After considering the evidence, Bolstridge-Edwards was given a 24 month community order and must carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

He must also complete a rehabilitation activity and a 'better relationship' programme. 

He was ordered to pay £1,000 compensation to the victim, £85 costs and a £114 court surcharge.