A sweet new baby who will live her life in miniature is one of the latest arrivals at Folly Farm.

The adventure park and zoo has welcomed Bounty, an adorable tiny Kirk’s Dik-Dik, which is one of the smallest spccies of antelope in the world.

The little calf was so named as her mum is called Lady Coconut.

Western Telegraph: The new baby and her mum are doing well.The new baby and her mum are doing well. (Image: Folly Farm)

Announcing the birth on Facebook, the attraction said: "We have a new baby animal on the zoo - Dik Dik ‘Lady Coconut’ gave birth to a teenie female calf last week (just look at the size of her in comparison to the food bowl) … Keepers have named the adorable new arrival ‘Bounty’ (of course)!


"Bounty is currently staying cosy under her heat lamp indoors, so isn’t on view to the public as yet, sorry."

Western Telegraph: Bounty is bright-eyed and beautiful!Bounty is bright-eyed and beautiful! (Image: Folly Farm)

Kirk's Dik Dik's - natives of the shurblands and savannas of eastern Africa - grow to a maximum size of just 40cm, but can still run at speeds of up to 26mph.

The species takes its name from Sir John Kirk, a 19th century Scottish naturalist, as well as the sound it makes when fleeing from danger.