The Wales Air Ambulance has made an emergency landing in Neyland town centre this afternoon following calls from paramedics to assist them in treating a patient in Riga Avenue.

The helicopter flew in from Llanelli at around 3.30pm this afternoon (Saturday, Ootober 22).

On board was a doctor consultant, a nurse and an additional paramedic.

The helicopter was able to land in a car park just two streets away from where the paramedics were already attending to the patient.

On previous occasions. the Wales Air Ambulance has landed in the rugby field adjoining the Neyland Community Hub.

"We should be extremely grateful that we have a service like this so readily available, that can land so easily in the centre of our town," commented a Neyland resident who watched the Wales Air Ambulance land.

"The service should be supported as much as possible."

After treating the patient, the Air Ambulance took off at 4.30pm and made its way back to Llanelli.