A Pembrokeshire man has been warned that he could face a jail sentence after admitting possessing drugs with an intent to supply.

Chad Alex Forrest of Nelson Avenue, Hakin, appeared in front of Judge His Honour Geraint Walters at Swansea Crown Court on Wednesday, October 19.

He admitted one count of possessing a Class B controlled drug, namely cannabis, with intent to supply on April 15 last year.

He pleaded not guilty to a second charge of possession of diamorphine. This was accepted by the court.

Judge Walters heard that Forrest,26, was still the subject of a suspended sentence, previously imposed by the crown court.

Judge Walters told Forrest that it was ‘not a clever position’ to be committing drug offences while on a suspended sentence.

He ordered a pre-sentence report but warned that Forrest could face a prison sentence.

“You do appreciate that you are in breach of a suspended sentence,” he told Forrest. “The court does have the power to activate that.

“However, we need to know what has been going on in your life since.”

Forrest was remanded on bail on the condition that he lived at his Hakin address.

He will appear before the court again on November 10 for sentencing.