A CARDIGAN musician has composed a song to celebrate Wales' achievement in qualifying for their first World Cup finals since 1958.

Football-mad Jonny Thomas was inspired to write ‘Y Cymry Yn Qatar’ after being among thousands of jubilant Welsh fans who watched Rob Page’s side clinch their place in Qatar by overcoming Ukraine at Cardiff back in June.

Although Jonny has been making music for many years, what will be his first single is being released by Fflach.

"After making a video of the song and then sharing it with friends, I received a lot of positive feedback so I decided to contact Fflach to see if it would be possible to develop the idea further," he said.

“As I come from Cardigan it felt very special to be in the studio recording at Fflach.

“It's an exciting time for Welsh football - the team and the community that's been created has grown to be part of our modern identity and has helped unite us as a bilingual nation.”

Two versions of the song will therefore be released. The first in Welsh and the second a bilingual version.

Jonny has been an avid supporter of the Wales football team for many years and has frequently travelled to support them abroad along with his friends – some of whom appear on the tracks as backing vocalists!

The ‘Y Cymry Yn Qatar’ EP will be released on October 21.