A Welshman whose alter-ego boasts one of the finest moustaches ever seen is the new patron of a Pembrokeshire choir.

Opera singer and broadcaster Wynne Evans – renowned for his role in the Go Compare adverts - has just been welcomed as the patron of Tenby Male Choir.

He takes over from another popular broadcaster, Roy Noble, who has retired from the role after 35 years service.

Western Telegraph: .Roy Noble is pictured handing over his role to Wynne Evans.Roy Noble is pictured handing over his role to Wynne Evans (Image: .)

The ‘changing of the guard’ for the choir took place as it brought its successful summer season to a close with a gala concert at St Mary's Church, Tenby, featuring Serendipity Ladies Choir.

Western Telegraph: .Serendipity Ladies Choir were the guest artistes at the gala concert.Serendipity Ladies Choir were the guest artistes at the gala concert (Image: .)

Roy had previously told choristers: “It is with a heartfelt note of sadness, tinged with reality and common sense, that I have decided to relinquish my position as president of the choir.

“I have always valued and felt privileged to be your president and I thank you sincerely for those years when you were so warm and welcoming whenever my wife Elaine and I joined you.

“Now that we are, slowly, coming out of the pandemic, I feel the choir has a real opportunity for a new impetus and a chance for a fresh profile and standing. I’m sure a new president will provide the engine for that impetus.

Western Telegraph: .New president Wynne is pictured with choir soloist John Butland.New president Wynne is pictured with choir soloist John Butland (Image: .)

Amongst Roy’s farewell gifts was picture of the Tenby’s Tudor Merchant’s House, where his grandfather grew up. He welcomed Wynne Evans to the role and presented him with a Tenby Male Choir tie.

Wynne, who hails from Carmarthen and is a frequent visitor to the Tenby area, told the choir he was ‘honoured and thrilled’ to take up the offer of its presidency.

A choir spokesman said: “Tenby Male Choir looks forward to many years of working with Wynne as our choir rebuilds in size and ambition after the challenges of the past few years.”


The choir – which re-grouped for practices when Covid restrictions were lifted in July 2021 -returned to performing and fundraising this May, putting on 16 concerts and singing at several private events.

Thousands of pounds have been raised for causes, including the DEC Ukraine Appeal, Save the Children, Cancer Research Wales, Tenovus Cancer Care, RNLI, Penally Village and Tenby Scout & Guides Halls, as well as St Mary's and St Johns’ churches.

The concerts have also featured a number of talented local young musicians.