A 22-year-old groundworker has been ordered off the roads for 12 months after being caught driving with cocaine in his blood supply.

Cameron Brunton of Owen Street, Pembroke Dock, was stopped by police as he drove his Vauxhall Corsa along Charlton Place, Pembrock Dock on the afternoon of May 11.


This week Brunton pleaded guilty to two charges of driving whilst over the legal drugs limit.

Crown Prosecutor Linda Baker told Haverfordwest magistrates that police were on duty at around 12.27pm when they stopped the Corsa which was being driven by Brunton.

A roadside drugs wipe proved positive and Brunton was taken to the custody suite for further testing.

The results confirmed that he had a total of 35 mcg of cocaine in his blood and 272 mcg of the cocaine breakdown, namely Benzoylecgonine.

Brunton was represented in court by Mr Tom Lloyd who described his client as 'a hardworking, likeable young man'.

"He's doing all he can to get on with his life," said Mr Lloyd, "and he's very disappointed to be here today."

Mr Lloyd added that despite the mandatory driving disqualification, Brunton will be able to continue working as a groundworker in Southampton.

In addition to the 12 month disqualification he was fined £40 and his licence endorsed with £85 costs.