CARDIGAN’S Christmas celebrations will be officially launched on Saturday, December 3, town councillors have been told.

But looking ahead to the festive lights switch-on, town clerk Eleri Maskell revealed that previously unforeseen spiralling costs would undoubtedly force the council to exceed its £4,000 budget.

“The final bill will probably amount to £5,000 or maybe more,” she told members. “Costs have come in that we were not previously aware of.

“And the Christmas tree itself has not been factored in yet.”

Cllr John Adams-Lewis suggested the matter should subsequently be discussed at the authority’s precept meeting in January.

“We have to remember that this is ratepayers’ money at the end of the day and we must be careful not to spend too much,” he added.

Town mayor Cllr Trystan Phillips pointed out that several items included in the Christmas lights budget would not be repeated the following year.

“We like to think that the people of Cardigan will be looking forward to the lights being switched on,” he said.

“What we also need to do is query Ceredigion County Council on when free parking will be provided at a time of year when the aim is to draw as many people as possible into the town.”

Mrs Maskell added it was hoped that mulled wine and mince pies would add to the festive nature of the occasion and that the winner of the best-dressed window competition would be presented to watching bystanders when the lights were switched on.