HAVERFORDWEST’S new ‘brand’ was unveiled to the town council at a full meeting on September 29.

Advertising designers Chris Jones and Giles Davis, both of Monmouthshire, gave a heartfelt and inspiring speech about their plans to bring Haverfordwest centre stage having been hired by Pembrokeshire County Council to brand the town.

However, as much as Mr Davis tried to advocate the town’s attributes, describing Haverfordwest as a town with reputation and a place that could ‘never be called mundane’, the town council felt slightly differently about the feelings evoked when the potential new logo was unveiled.

The logo in question is an H set in two circles with lines at the bottom representing the Cleddau River.

For many of Haverfordwest’s town council though the lines didn’t make sense, the imagery was confusing and the colours apparently all wrong.

Councillor Johnathan Twigg, representative of the Garth ward, asked why blue hadn’t been used in the logo, referring to the town’s proud sporting heritage and many of the town’s club's close links to the colour.

Western Telegraph: The potential new logos used to brand HaverfordwestThe potential new logos used to brand Haverfordwest (Image: Western Telegraph)


Councillor Martin Lewis, of the Priory ward, was confused as to what the logo represented saying it said nothing about Haverfordwest being situated in the centre of the county and having a river.

Even the town clerk gave her opinion on the logo saying the image conveyed a ‘seasidey vibe’ that was more representative of Tenby and that it reminded her of a sweety wrapper.

There wasn’t complete opposition to the sign, with Arthur Brooker, of the Portfield ward, liking the new look and making the point that Haverfordwest is a long word and tricky to put into logos.

Chris Jones, one of the designers, hoped people would get behind the design as the county town goes through a phase of regeneration.

The public can have their say on the logo at two open sessions being held on October 18 at the community shared space unit at the Riverside, 1pm and 6pm.

What do you think of the proposed new logo for the town? Let us know in the comments below or on the Western Telegraph Facebook page.