FEARS that Pembrokeshire’s ‘book first and bring your ID’ recycling centre system is provoking an increase in illegal fly-tipping across the county has prompted calls for the system to be quashed.

A petition is currently gathering momentum requesting that the pre-booking system be scrapped.

“Prior to the Covid pandemic, we didn’t have a waste and recycling centre booking system, but people could just turn up to the county’s centres whenever was convenient for them,” commented one of the protestors.

“But now we have to book in advance and bring a form of identification with us. And if people forget their ID, they get turned away and need to book again if the quantity turns out to be more than was anticipated for one trip.”


There are currently six household waste recycling centres across the county at Haverfordwest, Fishguard, St Davids, Crane Cross, Waterloo and Hermon. However users claim they are being turned away without a pre-booked slot even if there are no other Pembrokeshire residents using the facility.

“We pay our taxes and we care about our environment therefore the recycling centres need to be efficient and easy to access for everyone,” continued the protestor, who wishes to remain nameless.

“This booking system undoubtedly encourages fly tipping and can also result in the usage of additional petrol if a person is asked to turn around to collect identification. This is unacceptable and uneconomical for people who are already struggling to pay their bills.”

The system has been in operation since May 2020; Pembrokeshire County Council clearly states on their website that ‘anyone arriving without a pre-booked slot will be turned away’.

However the petition has prompted debate on both sides of the coin.

“Clearly some folks dislike the system and can point out examples where it doesn't suit them,” says one upholder.

“Just as clearly, some folks think it's great. I think on balance it's a big improvement and encourages us to plan ahead, reduce the amount of waste we create and not take waste disposal for granted. As for fly-tippers, they'll just do it anyway."

But others appear to be in favour of suspending the pre-booking system.

”We want Pembrokeshire to be a place where waste is recycled easily, so that people can do it at their convenience, when they are mentally, physically and financially capable of attending a recycling centre. After all, we are the people who pay for this service so it should work around us, not the other way around.

There is no reason for the booking system to be maintained any further.”

Tell us your views on whether the recycling centre booking system should remain in place or be suspended.