One of south Pembrokeshire’s most popular marinas is turning into a 'racetrack for boy-racers' who allegedly 'strew litter' around the lawned areas and 'urinate over the walls'.

Now residents who live near the Brunel Quay in Neyland are calling on the local Police Community Support officers to up their presence in an effort to clamp down on the drivers.

“Enough is enough,” said concerned resident Maggie John.

“The cars are now congregating on a very regular basis and they stay there until around 2am in the morning talking, laughing, making weird noises and revving-up their vehicles.

“And over the last few weeks they’ve been joined by motorcyclists who make even more noise. After doing their spins they stand on the wall, pee over the other side and throw their rubbish all over the place.”

The vehicles are said to congregate in the Brunel Quay car park and drive along the road leading to the marina.


“Last Saturday night I counted 15 cars and you can’t blame it all on the 18-year-olds,” continued Mrs John.

“I’ve seen quite a few men aged 25 years and upwards behaving just as badly and they include a mixture of locals and people from outside.

“During the recent warm weather it was so lovely to see families having picnics in the evening on the benches or bringing their own chairs but when the racers start gathering the people just pack up and go home.

“And our concern as residents of his area is that nothing is going to be done about the problem until it’s too late.”

The Brunel Quay ‘boy racer’ issue is due to be discussed by Neyland Town Council at their meeting this evening (Monday).