One of Wales’ oldest women has recently celebrated her 105th birthday with flowers, visits and a card from the Queen.

Ella James of Solva was born in Ty Isaf Ysgeifiog on March 8, 1917, the eldest of two twins.

She was one of eight children four boys, including her twin Eddie, and four girls. She and her younger sister Mona, who is 91 lives in Chichester, are the two remaining siblings.

Ella’s father, Thomas James was the local clog maker and his workshop and tools are on display in St Fagan’s Folk Museum near Cardiff.

In her younger days Miss James worked at home. She then joined the staff of Carnhedryn school as the cook and caretaker.

She is a member of Caerfarchell chapel and was the organist for many years. She misses the Sunday services and hopes that they will be available again soon.

Her interests include reading Welsh autobiographies and listening to choirs singing Welsh hymns.

Her memory is fantastic, and she enjoys reminiscing about her upbringing and the changes that have happened in her lifetime. She says a lot of things have improved during her lifetime but not everything is better.

Miss James celebrated her birthday at home with her close neighbours David and Catherine Davies, Joy Beynon and a few others.

The postman delivered a card from the Queen in the morning and the St Davids city mayor, Alan York, brought flowers the day before her birthday.

Her nephew Huw and his wife visited from Cardiff and she received cards and flowers from numerous friends and family.

Miss James is one of Wales’ oldest women. The oldest woman in Wales is 110-year-old Mary Keir who celebrated her birthday earlier this month.

Ivy Skeate is believed to be Pembrokeshire’s oldest woman. Mrs Skeate celebrated her 107th birthday at Goodwick’s Hillside Home in November last year.