Sand art on a Pembrokeshire beach has shared a striking message of support for the Ukraine.

The 'Tenby Supports Ukraine' picture was created on the resort’s North Beach by local artist and graphic designer Norman Hughes yesterday, Thursday March 24.

It was inspired by a message to the world this week from Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelensky, urging people to make themselves ‘visible and heard’ in protest against the Russian invasion of his country.

He said:

“Come with Ukrainian symbols to support Ukraine, to support freedom, to support life…make yourself heard, say that people matter.”

The words resonated with Norman’s wife Judy.

“I felt we ought to do something – it wouldn’t be possible to get a rally together at short notice so I suggested some beach art,” she said.

So Norman set to work as the tide went out on the beach, and with the help of Judy and friend Beth Rowe, completed his heart-shaped sand message in three hours.

“I didn’t have a plan for the design, and made it up as I went along,” he admitted. “I literally created it from the heart.

“We finished about 4.30pm and the tide was in around 10pm, so the picture was there for a good few hours.

“Lots of people came across the beach to encourage us, and others were calling down from the town and windows – it was a very positive experience.”

Norman and Judy are now planning to reinstate their Lockdown Library in aid of the Ukraine. The book sale on the steps of their home in The Norton previously raised £1,600 for Ty Hafan.