Tenby will be welcoming back its Palm Sunday donkey at the approach to Easter, along with other religious activities which have been absent during the pandemic.

As restrictions ease, St. Mary’s Church is planning ahead for the Lent season - which begins on Ash Wednesday, Wednesday March 2 - and the Easter period. with additional services planned throughout Lent and Holy Week. 

Throughout Lent, there will be an additional compline service and address every Wednesday evening at 6.30pm in St Mary's, beginning on Ash Wednesday.  The theme of the seven addresses is “The Armour of God”.

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday (April 10) when the donkey will at last be able to join the procession through the town.

Then on Monday in Holy Week (April 11), the whole of the gospel eeadings from the Bible will be read by members and friends of St. Mary’s.

This starts at 8am and will be completed at 6pm and is another traditional part of the church's Holy Week devotions. People are welcome to drop in and out throughout the day as they wish.

Maundy Thursday (April 14) will see the traditional Stripping of the Altars service at a special service at 7 pm.

Good Friday will see members of the church link with all the churches in Tenby in a United Walk of Witness.  starting at Deer Park at 10 am and ending in Tudor Square for a short service there at 11 am.

St. Mary’s will then host the Three-Hour Service starting at 12 noon. Further details of this will be announced shortly.

It has long been the tradition to hold an ecumenical Easter Day dawn service in Tenby.

Last year, the service was held virtually with people of Tenby and Pembroke logging in, but this year will see the dawn service return to the bandstand on Castle Hill at 6.30 am for the first time since 2019. It will be led this year by the Salvation Army. The traditionally very busy Easter Day sung eucharist service will follow at St. Mary’s at 10am.

The Rector of Tenby, Canon Andrew Grace, said: 

“It is marvellous that we are in a position to be planning so many services and activities at this most important time in the church's year.

"We think of renewal and reawakening in the Spring, culminating in celebrating our Lord's resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is appropriate that this is a time when we as a church are able to be reinvigorated and join again with friends and family in celebration.”

Full details of St. Mary’s Church services are available in their weekly pew leaflet and can be found on the St. Mary’s Church Facebook page.