"HIGH time for less closed talking and more action," that is the view of the latest councillor to join Haverfordwest Town Council, Jill Owens.

Appointed to the council to represent the Priory Ward in a full town council meeting on January 21, Cllr Owens is clear in her mind about what she thinks needs to be done in the county town.

“I have a huge concern that Haverfordwest’s history is being lost, simultaneous to its progression being stunted,” said Cllr Owens.

“I am disillusioned at the deterioration of our town centre and the lack of facilities and opportunities for people of all ages within the town.

“I also think public involvement and consultation seems to be a thing of the past. It's high time there was less closed talking and more action for visible balanced change and measured progress.”

Cllr Owens’ aims are as strong as her beliefs, saying she would like to "shake up the system" and gain back the "support and trust of the townspeople".

“There is a lot of disappointment and mistrust of councillors,” said Cllr Owens. “Whether that be county or town. There's also a general frustration that the town itself is secondary instead of a primary focus. 

“There needs to be more people working together for the good of the town.”

Born and educated in Haverfordwest and holding an English Degree, Cllr Owens runs a local property firm, but it is what she does in her spare time that is of particular note.

Cllr Owens explains: “Outside of work, my interests are classic Minis, weight-training and writing, having become a published author in 2020 with my book, now commissioned by Wondery to become a worldwide podcast production this year.”

While her views are forthright and her targets as a councillor ambitious, there is a softer side to Cllr Owens who, asked what her favourite thing is about the county town, she turns to nostalgia in reply.

“It's my home town and where the people I love are and I always come back to. 

"You can show me all the major cities in the world with all the modern trappings and opportunities but there is and never will be any place like home.”

This year is a big year for local councils, with local elections taking place across Wales on May 5.