THE hero who saved a woman from drowning has said he could not just sit there and allow it to happen.

Twenty-five-year-old Dion Burke did not expect his day would end with hands covered in blood and him apologising for pulling Nicola Merriman’s hair when she came to visit on December 12.

Nicola tried to drive across a ford in St Clears and the water swept her car into the river. 

Nicola’s SUV was completely submerged and she was trapped inside, in what she described as the moment she thought her time was up. 

However Dion managed to get to the car and break a crack in the corner of the windshield, allowing him to reach his hand in, find Nicola’s hair, and drag her head to the crack so she could breath.

Nicola was eventually cut from the car and sent to Glangwili Hospital where she was treated overnight for hypothermia and shock.

Described as humble, Dion wasn’t phased by what was happening. 

"It is what it is,” said Dion.

“You just have to get in and do it. The way I see it is you just do what anyone should do."

Dion says he has received some touching emails from Nicola and her mother.

“I cannot just sit there and allow it,” he continued. “You just have to get stuck in and try your best.”

Western Telegraph: Nicola's car was entirely submerged in the river with her insideNicola's car was entirely submerged in the river with her inside

Western Telegraph: Nicola was treated overnight at Glangwili HospitalNicola was treated overnight at Glangwili Hospital

Jacqui Law, 54, who runs Extremus Dog Training, who Nicola was visiting, says she is very lucky to have Dion.

“Dion is a humble person,” said Jacqui.

“He is hardcore our Dion. I am lucky he is here.”

This is not the first time Jacqui has witnessed these kind of incidence. In 2019 an elderly couple were rescued when their car was swept 100m downstream by the high and fast flowing waters of the same ford.

Jacqui said the local county council should improve safety at the ford.
“The authorities know about this,” said Jacqui.

“My family should not be putting their lives at risk because the council do not want to spend money on barriers.”

Western Telegraph: Dion jumped on the car to save NicolaDion jumped on the car to save Nicola

Carmarthenshire County Council – the authority where which the ford is located – released a statement advising people to be wary when crossing fords, but didn’t say anything about specific safety measures being put in place.

Carmarthenshire County Council Cabinet member for environment, Cllr Hazel Evans said: “We are pleased to hear that the lady is recovering. 

“Whilst there is clear warning signage on the approaches to the ford motorists need to take care when driving through them, particularly after periods of heavy rain and during the winter months when river levels are likely to be higher. 

“If motorists are in any doubt then an alternative route should be taken.”

Western Telegraph: Hero, Dion BurkeHero, Dion Burke

Police confirmed the incident which took place on Sunday, December 12.

Police said: “We were called to a report of a woman trapped in a car in a ford through the Afon Dewi Fawr in St Clears.

“Officers attended along with colleagues from Coastguard, Fire service and Ambulance.

“The woman was rescued from the vehicle and taken to hospital.”

Nicola, who passed in and out of consciousness having been under water for over a minute, described Deon as her hero among heroes.

“He fought with every muster of strength he had,” said Nicola. “He managed to pull back the windshield and rummage around, find my hair and pulled it up. 

“I would be dead if it was not for him.  He is a hero beyond heroes and I will be forever in debt to him.”