‘WHAT do you say to the man who saved your life?’ That’s all Nicola answered when asked if she had a message for rescuer Dion.

Nicola Merriman, 44, mother, wife, and businesswoman from Ludchurch, was visiting friend and client Jacqui Law in St Clears.

On her way she had to cross a ford, which swept her car into the river.

Within minutes Nicola was trapped inside her SUV as the cabin filled with water.

Jacqui, 54, came down to the scene with her assistant for the week 25-year-old Dion Burke.

Nicola described how she felt her time was up as her car was entirely submerged in the torrent and and the water in the cabin was rising.

This was the point Dion managed to jump in the river get to the car and try find away to save Nicola, but Dion had nothing to smash the windshield, until Jacqui spotted a rock and screamed to Dion to get it.

With hands covered in blood Dion managed to make a crack in the corner of the windshield and prise it back.

At this point Nicola had been underwater for more than a minute, passing in and out of consciousness.

Dion plunged his hand into the murky water of the cabin, found Nicola’s leg, then felt up till he caught strands of her hair. Via the bunch of hair he found, Dion dragged Nicola’s head to the gap in the windshield so that she could breath again.

Western Telegraph: Nicola's car was entirely submerged under the riverNicola's car was entirely submerged under the river

Western Telegraph: Dion on top of the car trying to free NicolaDion on top of the car trying to free Nicola

Western Telegraph: Nicola had to be cut out the carNicola had to be cut out the car

It wasn’t until the emergency services came that Nicola was cut out the car and able to be taken to Glangwili Hospital, where she was treated overnight for hypothermia and shock.

When the Western Telegraph spoke to Nicola, one of the things she remembers Dion doing was apologising for pulling her hair after saving her life.

“What do you say to someone who has saved your life?” said Nicola. “He is a hero beyond heroes and I will be forever in debt to him.

“The ferocity with which he tried to smash that window; he fought with every muster of strength he had then managed to pull back the windshield and rummage around. He found my hair and pulled it up. He just kept saying: 'You will be alright,' while he was in pain, his hands were covered in blood, it was freezing and at the end all he could say was 'sorry I pulled your hair'.

“Without doubt he was the saviour. I would be dead if it was not for him.”

Police confirmed the incident, which took place on Sunday, December 12.

“We were called to a report of a woman trapped in a car in a ford through the Afon Dewi Fawr in St Clears at around 3.20pm.

“Officers attended along with colleagues from coastguard, fire service and ambulance.

“The woman was rescued from the vehicle by 4.05pm and taken to hospital to be checked over.”

-Read what hero Dion had to say on the incident, here.

Western Telegraph: Nicola had to be rushed to hospitalNicola had to be rushed to hospital

Western Telegraph: Nicola Merriman, from Ludchurch and who runs Mojo Marketing, was savedNicola Merriman, from Ludchurch and who runs Mojo Marketing, was saved

In an emotional tribute, Nicola’s husband Paul said it was a miracle what Dion did.

“Words literally fail me when it comes to Dion and Jacqui.

“They simply saved my wife and my children from being motherless in the split of a second. I really can’t thank them enough and we owe our little family’s life and happiness to them both.”