This week marked 81 years since the 'Inferno 1940' oil tank fire after a German attack in the Second World War.

Thursday, August 19 was the exact date of the event's anniversary, when three German aircraft made a low-level attack on the Admiralty oil fuel depot at Llanreath in Pembroke Dock.

The attack subsequently caused one of the most vicious fires ever seen, which lasted for three whole weeks.

No fewer than 22 different fire brigades, accumulating to 650 men attempted to fight the fire using nine miles of hose and 2,000 gallons of water per minute.

Five of the men lost their lives, while 38 were seriously injured in the fire.

The story of the fire was published by Vernon Scott in his book 'Inferno 1940' which was republished by Pembroke Dock Heritage Centre.