Work could finally be set to start on a disused “eyesore” hotel on the way to Newgale with new plans to be discussed by National Park planners this week.

The Roch Gate Motel in Roch is on the main road from Haverfordwest to St Davids has been derelict for many years with a previous planning permissions to refurbish it now lapsed.

An application for 14 homes, including four one-bedroom flats, six semi-detached one-bedroom bungalows and four houses with four bedrooms is recommended for approval at Pembrokeshire Coast National Park’s development management on Wednesday, July 21.

“The applicant has stated in writing their intention to develop the site as an affordable housing development and have indicated that they have discussed the nature of the housing provision directly with Pembrokeshire County Council Housing,” a planning report states.

Nolton and Roch Community Council, while welcoming the submission of an application, did not support the plans as they stand and questioned the local need of the number of one-bedroom units.

“NRCC would certainly look favourably on any revised plans that provide affordable housing designed with environmental impact in mind which reflect the housing needs of local people,” adds the report.

Local county councillor Jamie Adams’ response included in a report to committee also welcomes “some movement on this eyesore” but adds “the applicant has failed to listen and indeed pay any regard to the comments made by myself and the Community Council which were designed to assist in bringing forward an acceptable scheme.”

Reference to a Community Land Trust scheme in the village is also included in the report.