The Mayor of Pembroke Dock and two wartime veterans were chief guests when a new exhibition – entitled ‘Pembroke Dock Blitz 1941’ – was opened on Wednesday, June 30, at the town’s Heritage Centre.

Councillor Terry Judkins and mayoress Gaynor James were joined by D-Day veterans Ted Owens and Gordon Prime.

The exhibition spotlights some of the darkest hours in the town's wartime years. On two nights in May and June 1941 - 80 years ago - the German Luftwaffe targeted the town with its many military installations to devastating effect. Swathes were cut through the town's terraced streets and there were many civilian casualties.

The Blitz exhibition recalls stories and sacrifices from the town's nights of terror through display panels and artefacts. This is backed up by folders listing all the casualties and first hand memories of the raids, of special interest for family history research.

This is the first of a series of temporary exhibitions planned by the Heritage Centre archives and research team.

During the air raids of 1940 and 1941, Ted Owens was a teenage fire brigade messenger and recalled vivid memories of the local blitz which cost so many civilian lives and damaged hundreds of properties.

The exhibition runs for the remainder of the year and the Centre is open Mondays to Fridays, 10 am to 4 pm.

For further information contact 01646 684220 or e-mail