Pembrokeshire has come out in a recent study as the fourth worst area in the UK for millennial homeowners, and the worst county in Wales.

Homedit conducted the study on millennials becoming homeowners and where in the whole of the UK was best for them, and also where was the worst.

The study included such factors as affordable house prices, fast download speed, ultra-fast broadband availability, good 4G signal, percentage of green space, Ofsted ratings and pubs and bars per person.

Pembrokeshire came out of the study as the fourth worst area, and the worst in Wales, with a final score of 23/100, scoring only 1% on ultra-fast broadband availability.

However, Pembrokeshire scored 100% on pubs and bars per person.

The only places to score worse than Pembrokeshire in the UK was the Scottish Highlands, Chichester and East Cambridge which came out bottom with a score of 15/100.

The best area in the UK according to the study was the Scottish city of Dundee, with a score of 79/100.

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