YOUNGSTERS, environmental groups and the arts in south Pembrokeshire and west Carmarthenshire are sharing in a Co-op dividend of over £23,000.

Customers in the retail giant's stores in Tenby, Kilgetty, Pembroke and Whitland have chosen nine good causes to receive a funding boost.

Every time Co-op membership card holders buy selected Co-op branded products and services, they receive 2p credit and the same goes to support

community organisations and local causes through the Local Community Fund.

The latest round of beneficiaries who share in a total of £23,162.83 are:

  • St Clears Rugby Football Club Junior Section - £2,978.90
  • Friends of Templeton School - £3,771.38
  • Green Links CIC - £1,025.15
  • Whitland Junior Borderers - £2,991.01
  • MAMs - Changing the Story - £3,740.82
  • Green Park Pembroke - £1,015.75
  • Cylch Meithrin & Cylch Ti a Fi Hywel Dda - £3,009.37
  • Span Arts - £3,644.43
  • Tanyard Youth Project Ltd - £986.02

Rebecca Birkbeck, director of community and shared value at the Co-op, said: “The Co-op Local Community Fund supports grass-roots projects across the UK that our members really care about. And right now, these causes need support more than ever before.

“It’s such an amazing privilege to announce that £15 million raised by our members in total has now been shared, helping communities and lives across the country at a time when they need it most.”

The Co-op approached the 4,500 UK causes in line for this fund, to understand the impact of Covid-19.

This was the biggest survey of its kind for the Co-op.

From those who responded, 81per cent said that funding from the Local Community Fund was helping them respond to the pandemic, at a time where the majority had also experienced a decrease in funding from other sources. Fifty seven per cent said that they expected demand for their services to increase into the future.

Rebecca Birkbeck continued: “We know that it has been a challenging time for local causes, as support decreases and demand increases.

"We’re incredibly grateful to our members and colleagues who have made it possible to make this contribution.

"As of this week, two million members have now selected a cause to support, since the Local Community Fund began in 2016, which is a real landmark for us.

“We encourage everyone to engage with the amazing groups and organisations on their doorstep, to help them weather the storm.”

For 2021, the Local Community Fund will be supporting causes which support fairer access to food, mental wellbeing services, education and employment for young people in their communities.

To learn more about Co-op Membership and select a cause to support, visit: