PEMBROKESHIRE schools will provide online and distance learning up until January 18, following yesterday’s call to upgrade the UK to the highest level of coronavirus risk.

Minister for Education Kirsty Williams MS said yesterday, January 4: “The situation in Wales and across the UK remains very serious. Today, the four UK Chief Medical Officers have agreed that the UK is now at the highest level of risk, Joint Biosecurity Council level 5.

“In the light of that decision the Welsh Government, in consultation with the WLGA and Colegau Cymru, has agreed that all schools, colleges and independent schools should move to online learning until January 18.”

Responding to the statement by the Education Minister, Pembrokeshire County Council Director for Education Steven Richards-Downes, said: “Pembrokeshire County Council welcomes the announcement from the Minister for Education.

“Pembrokeshire Schools will now provide online and distance learning until January 18.

“All schools will provide childcare for vulnerable children and those of key workers until that date. Schools will let parents know their own arrangements for this.

“If further changes are necessary, we will, of course, communicate those to parents and carers as soon as possible.

“Parents and carers are reminded of the message from the Minister for Education in her statement that everyone must stay at home to do their part to help slow the spread of the virus.”