COUNCILLOR Pat Davies has been elected as the new presiding member for Pembrokeshire County Council.

She will chair meetings of full council while current chairman, Cllr Simon Hancock, will serve a second consecutive term in his current role until May.

Cllr Davies, who represents Fishguard North West, said: "I am delighted to be elected as the first Presiding Officer of Pembrokeshire County Council.

“Women are under-represented on Pembrokeshire County Council and I am especially happy to have been offered the position.

“I speak with many women who are interested in becoming more involved with local politics and I hope this will be an encouragement.

“The position is to administer the Council business at full meetings in line with the Constitution and will be for a yearly term.”

Councillor Pat Davies was elected to the new role until May, 2021 at what Pembrokeshire County Council Chairman Cllr Simon Hancock called ‘an AGM like no other’ in December.

The meeting was held virtually for the first time due to ongoing Covid restrictions, and members voted to delay decisions on electing a Vice Chairman and memberships of committees until May 2021.

Cllr Hancock will also act as Deputy Presiding Member and added: Councillor Pat Davies is an excellent choice for this new post.

“Pat is a highly experienced Councillor having been a Cabinet Member for Housing and was also the Chair of the former Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee and she is held in the highest regard across the chamber.”