A FISHGUARD based PCSO, who used to be the force carpenter, has been voted one of the best in Dyfed-Powys Police.

Fishguard's PCSO Carwyn Phillips has won the Dyfed-Powys Police #WeCare Award, gaining the highest number of votes from member of the public.

The accolade is decided on by the public vote and is awarded to the Dyfed-Powys police officer or staff member who demonstrates to the community that the force cares.

Formerly the carpenter of the old police Bobby Van scheme, PCSO Phillips, became a community support officer in 2014, and has been policing and supporting the Fishguard community ever since.

He is a regular fixture at local schools, attends local events and even started the flash mob street dance at Fishguard's 2018 New Year's Eve street party.

Nominated for his willingness to get involved, PCSO Phillips has been described as an 'integral part of the community in Fishguard', and 'a lifeline for many young people'.

"Carwyn is also our first port of call when we have a young person who has needed to report something," said one of his nominators.

"The young people we work with often find reporting crimes difficult, but having Carwyn as that first contact, makes a stressful and scary situation, easier for young people'.

"He is so well-liked around the town, he must be one of the most popular people in the area. He'll attend all the community events and always helps where he can. He must know so many kids in the area by name and they all have the same respect for him too."

Carwyn was visited by Deputy Chief Constable, Claire Parmenter, who presented him with his award. The force's usual annual award ceremony did not go ahead because of coronavirus restrictions.

"We received many #WeCare nominations from Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys," said a force spokesperson.

"We thank those who took the time to vote and pay thanks to those officers and staff who go above and beyond their course of duty to help and support the communities they serve.

"You shared with us some heart-warming stories about how our officers and staff make a difference to people's lives and entire communities, and much of this inspiring work, effort, and care would have been unseen by others in the police service."

PCSO Nadia Lloyd 8020 from Pembroke Dock's Neighbourhood Policing Team was also shortlisted and came runner up in the #WeCare award.