A BREWERY delivery driver staged his own lock-in – getting stuck in the back of his van with all the beer at the height of Storm Francis.

Robert Harper was carrying out a delivery run for award-winning Bluestone Brewery, based at Tyriet farm, Cilgwyn, near Newport, Pembrokeshire, when the drama unfolded.

He was dropping off an order in Solva and had jumped into the back of the van to sort the delivery out when the wind caught the back doors and slammed them shut, trapping Robert inside, surrounded by dozens of cases of beer.

“I was alone and scared in the back of a pitch black van and began to wonder if I'd ever make it out alive!” said Robert

But fortunately he had his phone on him and managed to get a signal to call brewery marketing manager Emily Hutchinson back at head office.

She then sprang into action, getting in touch with Bay View Stores at Solva to co-ordinate a rescue mission.

“The friendly staff at Bay View Stores came to his aid, managed to open the back door and Rob escaped unscathed,” said Emily.

“We owe them a big thank you for rescuing our driver in distress. Locked in the back with all that beer, it's a wonder he even tried getting out at all.”