TELEVISION star, Jerome Flynn, has expressed gratitude to NHS staff in Pembrokeshire and mid and west Wales, thanking them for their dedication and hard work.

In a video posted on Hywel Dda Health Board's Facebook page the Game of Thrones actor says it is hard to express the amount of gratitude felt by both himself and the community in Pembrokeshire for the work being done by key workers.

He said he feels like his character, Bronn, in Game of Thrones when everybody else went into battle and he stayed at home.

"I feel a little bit like how my character in Game of Thrones felt when everybody went off to fight the White Walkers and I just hung around being lazy in Kings Landing," he said.

"In truth right now it certainly feels like you're playing that role for all of us. I can imagine what it requires from you each day."

He said that, regardless of whether lives were lost, those key workers were succeeding every day by turning up and being present for people who couldn't have their families with them.

"I imagine that it could be easy to judge yourself as perhaps at the end of the day not having succeeded if another life is lost. But from where we are standing, and from where I'm standing I wanted to let you know that you succeed every day," he said.

"Your success if full every day just turning up and being present for each individual soul. For letting them know that their lives are significant and that you are there for them whether they pass on or not…especially at a time when their loved ones can't be present for them.

That's where the true value of your work is being felt. Because otherwise it's clear that you are doing all you can to save their lives but it's your presence there with them that I really value and your courage to go in every day is deeply touching.

"So thank you every one and keep up the amazing work so appreciate it," he concluded. "God bless you."