DYFED Shire Horse Farm welcomed a new addition last Tuesday night.

At 9pm on April 21, the Queen's birthday, 11 year old Santes (Dyfed St Helena) gave birth to her first foal, a young filly.

She is only the fourth foal born on the farm in seven years and is a fourth generation of the Dyfed bloodline that was started in the early 1980s by farm patriarch and grandfather of the current owners; J R Lewis.

The new foal is the niece of Celt Mercury, Drum Horse to the Household Cavalry.

Mercury joined the cavalry back in 2008 and has since participated in eight Trooping the Colours as well as other state events and the world-famous musical ride of the Household Cavalry.

Mercury, still known by his farm name of Celt when not on official duty, is believed to be the youngest shire to participate in Trooping the Colour and is known for his ability to understand commands in both Welsh and English.

"The shire is a rare breed of native British animal with numbers now less than the panda; today they number only a few thousand," said the farm's owner, Huw Murphy.

"The work by Dyfed Shires and other breeders to preserve this magnificent animal is critical to prevent their extinction and their use for prestigious ceremonial roles is vital in profiling the breed and its beauty while giving the public the opportunity to appreciate the vital role performed by shires in years gone by."

Santes and her little one are said to be doing very well. The farm's supporters have been asked to suggest names and there will be an announcement shortly.

There are more photos and videos of Santes and her foal on the Farm's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.