A drink-driver called the police in a bid to protect the public from his broken-down van, a court has heard.

Paul William Scott, formerly of Little Newcastle, now of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to driving while over the legal alcohol limit when he appeared before Haverfordwest magistrates on Tuesday, February 25.

Vaughan Pritchard-Jones, prosecuting, said Scott, 41, called the police after his Vauxhall Combo van broke down on the A40 at Windy Hill, Haverfordwest, at 1.30am on January 3.

Scott told officers the van had over-heated and provided a positive roadside breath-test when officers noticed the smell of alcohol.

He was found to have 71mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath, more than double the legal limit of 35mg.

When interviewed, Scott stated he drank four bottles of cider while watching England and France play rugby, but stopped drinking at 5pm.

He thought he would be fine to drive in the early hours of the following morning, and decided to visit an all-night supermarket to get some food.

Mike Kelleher, defending, said: “The vehicle broke down in a dangerous position. He had flashing lights on, but he did not consider that to be sufficient.

“He asked the police to come out because their blue-lights would protect the public from the vehicle in the roadway.”

The court heard that Scott was a recovering alcoholic, who had sought help for his addiction and completed a residential detox.

Magistrates fined Scott £120 and banned him from driving for 18 months.

He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £32 surcharge.