LAST Thursday evening Pembroke Rotary Club met at The Helm, Pembroke Dock.

After-dinner speakers were two members of the Pembrokeshire branch of The Samaritans.

Helen Williams and Sue Oldreive spoke about the work Samaritans do locally and throughout the UK and Ireland.

Each year in Wales, between 300 and 360 people die by suicide; this is around three times the number killed in road accidents. Men are three times more likely than women to die by suicide.

For some, Helen explained, suicide can seem like the only option. It’s a complex issue. Behind the statistics are individuals, each with their own unique story. Every suicide has a devastating impact on the person’s family, friends, colleagues and community. By providing emotional support, Samaritans volunteers are making an important contribution to suicide prevention.

Helen and Sue were keen to emphasise that The Samaritans call lines and email service are not only for people who feel suicidal. 24/7, 365 days of the year, Samaritans are there for anyone who is feeling down and needs to talk.

The Pembrokeshire Samaritans, based in Haverfordwest, offers third sector information days, army liaison events, support to schools and colleges, and has started a coffee morning in Fishguard.

The members recently liaised with the police to erect signage in different parts of Pembrokeshire displaying the Samaritans contact details: 116 123,, and Welsh language line: 0808 164 0123.

Pembrokeshire is currently recruiting for new volunteers who will receive free training.

Visit to find out more.

Their branch running costs — so they can keep the lights on and the phone lines open — are £56 a day, almost £20,000 a year. Samaritans is asking choirs, singing groups and workplaces to do what they do best and raise their voices and SING! They can support them at their next event or by putting on a special performance in their local area to raise money for their local Samaritans. Get involved — If you’d like to sing for your local Samaritans visit Sing for Samaritans (or visit their Events and Fundraising webpage for further ideas.

Helen and Sue were thanked by President Gavin Lloyd for giving up their time and giving such and interesting and informative insight into the work of the Samaritans. The evening had been arranged by Rotarian Malcolm Lowless.