IT WAS brilliant to read in last weeks newspaper that Dr Anne Barnes is to receive an MBE for her services to cancer patients in Pembrokeshire.

She stated that she was surprised and astonished that she had been awarded the MBE, well she shouldn’t have, she thoroughly deserves the award as she works tirelessly and above the call of her duty.

She obviously has a very good team around her but, she is the one that has to make those very important decisions.

We read in the newspapers about people receiving honorary awards and we don’t even know who these people are, or they get paid extortionate amounts of money for what they do do.

Over the years we have seen people locally get these awards and they don’t know the first thing about the reason for receiving the award, other people have done the donkey work for them.

Well done Dr Barnes, congratulations, you have most certainly earned your honour.


Milford Haven