I have made several comments about my dislike of the overzealous Health & Safety Taliban and those prattling on about political correctness.

I always remember those loony Councils that ban hanging baskets from lamposts as they might fall and kill or injure someone.

From memory, I cannot recall any instances of a hanging basket falling from a lampost, injuring someone, let alone kill anyone. Though I do accept that it has possibly happened.

On Tuesday, a baby boy who would have been a year old on Friday 26th February, was killed by a LAMPOST falling on him, in Chiswick, London.

Why didn't these H & S do gooders forsee the possibilty that a lampost can fall and kill, as well as a hanging basket, but lamposts are far bigger and heavier. Will they now be ripping up the lamposts or will they finally realise that there are risks in everything that we do, every day, that could injure or kill us? I somehow doubt it as it almost seems like they have a competition to devise the most obscure ruling to ban something on H & S grounds.