A letter from Yvonne Evans, Coastlands Local History Group

Dear Editor,

Last year saw the 50th year anniversary of the grounding on August 5th 1973 of the Dona Marika on the cliffs near St. Ishmaels village. The ship was not moved to Falmouth until early November.

Coastlands Local History Group remembered the event with a display held at St. Ishmaels Sports & Social Club.

There were numerous newspaper reports at the time, and reference was made to a Board of Trade inquiry to be held at a later date. The late Nicholas Edwards, the then MP, raised questions in the House of Commons, as the Merchant Shipping Bill was under debate at the time.

I will be grateful if any of your readers can confirm if the Inquiry did take place, and if so, where we may obtain a copy of the report.

E-mails can be sent to:- coastlandshistorygroup@gmail.com

Yours sincerely

Yvonne Evans, chair – Coastlands Local History Group, Marloes