A new board game inspired by a Pembrokeshire town is set to hit the shops after huge backing from the public.

More than people have pledged nearly  £9,500 between them to ensure the 'Tenby' card game can be produced.

“I’ve been quite blown away,” admitted its creator, Benjie Talbott. “I aimed for £5,500 funding via Kickstarter to get the project off the ground, but that target was smashed in less than 16 hours.”

Benjie, 36, said that the ‘cute and cosy’ Tenby game is suitable for ages eight upwards and can be enjoyed by groups or solo players.

Western Telegraph: Wally the Walrus and St Mary's Church are amongst the landmarks featured.Wally the Walrus and St Mary's Church are amongst the landmarks featured. (Image: Cosy Cub Games)

It features 18 special ‘landmark’ cards – including Tenby Museum, St Mary’s Church and even the famous marine visitor, Wally the Walrus – amongst those which can be collected by the players.

“It’s a card drafting, street-building game,” explained Benjie. “Players will be building rows comprised of houses, shops, piers and landmarks, gaining points by matching features on adjacent cards for the entire row.”

Western Telegraph: The game is 'a twist on the city-building genre', said its creator Benjie.The game is 'a twist on the city-building genre', said its creator Benjie. (Image: Cosy Cub Games)

Benjie has spent the last 15 years working as a composer of music for TV programmes, including Hinterland and Hidden.

He's created many games as a hobby in spare moments, but has now decided to invest most of his time and energy in game design, with Tenby being the first project to go live for his Cosy Cub Games company.

Western Telegraph: Playing pieces and cards galore in the new 'Tenby' game.Playing pieces and cards galore in the new 'Tenby' game. (Image: Cosy Cub Games)

“I grew up in mid Wales but now live in Cardiff, and I absolutely love Tenby,” he said.

“I wanted to celebrate my Welsh heritage and the beautiful town, and I hope that people in Tenby may like to support the campaign, or to simply be excited that their town is going to be represented in a board game,"

Thanks to the success of the Kickstarter campaign - which connects creators with backers to fund projects - Benjie expects the game to be on sale well in time for the Christmas market.

Its price in the shops will be £33, but people pledging £28 or more on Kickstarter will receive a free copy.

To sign up and show support, visit www.kickstarter.com/projects/benjietalbott/tenby