PLANS for a new adventure tourism hub in north Pembrokeshire has sparked fears that local wild-life will be disturbed by ‘noisy’ coasteerers.

Beauty spots Ceibwr Bay and Witch’s Cauldron which are increasingly popular with walkers, kayakers and wild swimmers are also home to nesting sea birds in the spring and seal pups in the autumn.

But concerns have been expressed that these populations are threatened by the effect of adventurers leaping from rocks into the sea.

Now the issue has been brought into sharp focus by a planning application for an adventure tourism hub in the old Moylegrove bus depot near the bay.

Applicants Adventure Beyond say it would ‘revitalise an existing commercial site to establish a recreation hub, addressing the needs of the leading local outdoor activities provider and its customers’.

However, opponents fear that increased business for adventure firms will worsen the plight of birds and animals, some of whom are on the UK’s amber conservation list.

Dagmarr Moore, founder of the Moylegrove Mermaids sea swimming group, said: "Visitors who speak to us when we’re in the bay say what a beautiful quiet place it is - then the adventure providers descend and the peace has gone."

Local ecologist Steve Halton said nesting birds were being disturbed by people scrambling on rocks and jumping into the sea.

“The Marine Code says that people should stay 100 metres away from nests and seals, but unfortunately the coasteerers are often much closer than that and in quite large numbers,” he added.

“Birds and seals will sometimes abandon their eggs and young when alarmed and other species are showing population declines. We’ve lost too much wildlife diversity in the area already.”

Claims have been made that in a recent meeting of Nevern Community Council members known to oppose the development were disallowed from speaking, on the grounds that they had ‘pre-judged’ the issue.

“It’s ridiculous” said Moylgrove resident Sheila Curran. “How is this council supposed to represent our interests if the councillors can’t talk to their constituents about a topic before a meeting? It just means our views have been suppressed.”

However, Jet Moore, managing director of Adventure Beyond, maintained their planned Cyffro Ceibwr development would be a ‘harmonious’ addition to Moylegrove.

“By reducing traffic congestion at the bay and by enhancing local amenities, this initiative not only respects the historic character of the site but also enriches the community's quality of life,” he said.

“It embodies a commitment to sustainable development, promoting accessible and environmentally-friendly transportation options and fostering a deeper connection between the residents, visitors and the natural beauty of Pembrokeshire.”

He added that the potential loss of the company’s current storage facility at Morawelon Farm would mean an inability to operate in Ceibwr resulting in a loss of local employment.

“Knowing the area well, the old bus depot site is the only suitable commercial site for us to transfer our operations to,” he said.

The planning application, to be considered by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, is open for public comment until May 29.