FISHGUARD RNLI’s new inshore lifeboat has been officially baptised after receiving two call outs in the run up to Christmas.

The first shout was received on Monday, December 22 after three white lights were reported seen in the area of the two rock outcrops just off the northern breakwater.

The lifeboat launched at the request of the coastguard at 11.40am and its volunteer crew carried out a search as far as Crincoed Point, with nothing found.

The second call out was the following day, again at the request of the coastguard.

The lifeboat was asked to check if any crew members were aboard the 15 metre scalloper 'Providing Star' which had broken free of its mooring in Fishguard harbour during the night and drifted onto the rocks on the southern side of the northern breakwater.

The two crew launched at 10am and were quickly on scene to establish that no one was aboard. Coastguard personnel were also in attendance on the breakwater. The fishing boat was re-floated later on the rising tide.

The new inshore lifeboat was delivered to Fishguard on December 8. The vessel has been funded by a legacy from the late Edward Arthur Richardson, a retired Merchant Navy officer and well-known Fishguard resident.

It will be officially named at a ceremony in the New Year and then formally handed over to the lifeboat station.